Elizabeth's Street Team is first and foremost a community. By being a part of the community, you agree to three simple rules:
~ Be Nice ~
It’s okay to disagree with someone in the Street Team Facebook Group, but please keep discussions friendly. Elizabeth is the admin for the group and, while she’s pretty easy-going, if you’re not playing nice with others she will ask you to pack up your crayons and go home.
~ No Commenting on Negative Reviews ~
Please do not argue with negative reviewers, whether it’s on Amazon, Goodreads or any other ebook retailer site, blog, etc. Although Elizabeth loves that you’re passionate about her books, she knows not everyone will be! Instead, if you like the book, just post your own review.
~ Write an Honest Review ~
As part of Elizabeth’s Street Team you’ll receive an Advance Reader Copy (“ARC”) of each new release two weeks before they go “live”. In return for receiving the ARC, Street Team members are asked to post their honest review on Amazon (or Barnes and Noble, or Kobo) and Goodreads within seven days of the live release. You will be required to sign a google docs release form stating that you understand and agree to the terms of each ARC you receive.
That's it! Super easy-peasy, right?
What Else Can I Do?
As a member, there are plenty of other things you can do such as sharing release links on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads, talking up the books to all your romance-loving friends, featuring reviews, excerpts or interviews on your social media sites and personal blogs. However, all of that is absolutely voluntary. The only requirement for staying in the Street Team is providing an honest review within seven days of a new release.

How do Advanced Reader Copies work?
So happy you asked!
Each time Elizabeth has a new release, you'll receive a google form with the option of participating with an ARC. Simply fill out the google form and email it back, and Elizabeth will send the book file DIRECTLY to your kindle.
Reviews are required SEVEN days after a release. If you're having trouble meeting the deadline, just email or FB message Elizabeth and she'll work with you on a new deadline. Easy peasy!
The day after the book release, you'll receive a second google form that you must fill out with the link to your review. If you don't fill out this google form, Elizabeth will assume you haven't completed your review and you will not be eligible for the next ARC.
Do you give ARCs for books in your backlist?
Yep! If there's a book in Elizabeth's backlist that you'd like to read, simply let her know and she'll send you the google form for it. You'll have two weeks to read the book before Elizabeth sends you the google form link for your review. As with new books, if you do not leave an honest review for ARCs of backlisted books, you will not be eligible for ARCs for new or backlist books.
I don't have a kindle e-reader. Can I still participate in ARCs?
Yes! If you have a different ereader, just let Elizabeth know in the google form and she'll arrange a different method of sending you the the ARC. Generally speaking, this will be through Prolific Works, a free service.
How many ARCs can I participate in?
As many as you'd like. As long as you're up to date on leaving your reviews, you can participate in an ARC.
I'm not on Facebook, can I still join the team?
You sure can! You don't have to be a part of the Street Team Facebook group to receive ARC offers, but you do have to join it to be eligible for sneak peeks of covers, excerpts of books, and to participate in giveaways and contests.
Wait... there's a Facebook group?
There sure is! It's a private group just for Street Team members. Click below to join the group. However, you MUST FIRST sign up for the Street Team. If you haven't signed up for the Street Team, you won't be approved to join the Facebook group until you do.